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Personal Body Stylist for the Body, Mind and Soul

Colin Damon specializes in women's in-home health and fitness but strives to make fitness accessible to everyone.

People who don't like hitting the gym but like personal guidance have another option: Hiring a personal body stylist who makes house calls. Available locations are Melbourne, FL and surrounding areas.

In some cases, you may be too tired to socialize with other gym members or make the post-work commute. Others, who are new to working out, may be too intimidated to go to the gym and train alongside men with rock-hard muscles and women with washboard abs. Most recently, parents are scheduling appointments for their overweight children who are too embarrassed to admit to needing help.


Working with a professional body stylist is much different than the average workout.  Colin uses his expertise to design an individualized program based on your goals.  In addition, the intensity with a body stylist, coupled with the body stylist's advice on nutrition, lends itself to much quicker results.  Working with Colin gives you accountability and consistency in your workouts and you'll be amazed how quick you'll achieve your goals!